Section: Software


Participants : Olivier Barais [correspondant] , François Fouquet, Erwan Daubert, Johann Bourcier, Gregory Nain, Noël Plouzeau.

The Kevoree project  (http://kevoree.org) defines a framework dedicated to distributed systems design, using the models at runtime paradigm and a component-based software architecture approach. This framework offers a high-level abstraction for managing components and their interactions. It also provides concepts to describe the underlying infrastructure: resources, logical nodes and their topology.

Kevoree also provides a set of tools to manipulate model abstraction easily, relying in part on a Domain Specific Language (DSL) called KevScript. This DSL makes the architecture model modifications easier. Our DSL can also be used in a reasoning engine to dynamically adapt the running system by applying some changes at different level (SaaS, PaaS and IaaS). Kevoree has several runtime platform implementations, allowing execution of applications on various devices (e.g. JavaSeE, Android, μController such as Arduino, and cloud virtual nodes).

See also the web page http://www.kevoree.org .

  • Version: 1.0

  • Programming language: Java, Scala, Kermeta